Completely Natural

Nutritional Pet Support

Cutting-edge nutrition to support and maintain healthy blood sugar levels for your pet.
Safe. Effective. Easy.

Product Information

The RHP™ PetRemedy™ Glucose Support Formula is a unique nutritional breakthrough for cats and dogs, helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels and increase energy levels while giving them a higher quality of life.

The RHP™ PetRemedy™ Glucose Support Formula operates at the cellular level. It addresses the nutritional deficiencies of pets that are not metabolizing blood sugar correctly.

We’re so sure about the quality and effectiveness of our product that if your pet doesn’t experience life changing results within 90 days, its your money back, guaranteed.

One bottle provides a 3-month supply, and is yours for $76.70.

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Vitamin A

Vitamin A is an antioxidant. Antioxidants, as their name implies, help to prevent the damaging effects of oxygen and other harmful substances on body tissue.

It also plays a vital role in bone growth, reproduction and immune system health.


Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong.

Magnesium also helps support healthy blood sugar levels and helps support healthy energy metabolism.

Chromium GTF   

Foodform® Glucose Tolerance Factor (GTF) Chromium is a patented, high potency organic chromium yeast.

Chromium is an essential to glucose metabolism and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. This is the safest and most effective form of chromium.

Shown in human studies to be 258% more biologically active than inorganic chromium.†


Molybdenum is an essential trace mineral, needed in very small quantities by almost all life forms.

It performs many vital functions and is found in the bones, liver, and kidneys.

Molybdenum plays a role in a number of important bio-chemical processes, such as waste processing in the kidneys, development of the nervous system, and the activation of enzymes that convert food to energy.


Vanadium is a trace mineral found in a wide variety of food, with potential benefits in helping to support healthy blood sugar levels.

Banaba Leaf Extract

Banaba Leaf Extract is a time-tested and traditional herb used for thousands of years in Asia. 

Its active ingredient is known as corosolic acid. Corosolic acid activates the “shuttle” that attracts glucose molecules, transporting them to cells for energy, thus supporting healthy blood glucose levels.

White Kidney Bean Extract

Phaseolamin or Phaseolin is a protein derived from white kidney bean.

It helps "neutralize" the digestive enzyme alpha amylase before it can convert starch into glucose, which then turns into fat.

Essentially, it allows the carbohydrates to pass through the system, possibly with less caloric intake.


“When I learned about PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula, what impressed me with this product was not only did it have the right supplements, but the company understood the importance of absorbability and the related technical issues.

”I started Mr. Kitty on the PetRemedy and within 4 days I knew he would get better, his activity level rocketed, he started to act like the healthy Mr. Kitty I knew. The Mr. Kitty picture is after about 2 weeks. He doesn't look like he's ready to pass away.

“He continues to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, he's eating more and more and putting on weight. On the bright side, my young and healthy buddy cats are all now getting the right preventative supplements, and a better diet.”
Gintaras Gircys in California for "Mr. Kitty”
“Your PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula is truly a wonderful remedy. I was amazed at the quick results in your formula. Boots began, about a month ago to drink lots of water & was voiding a lot.  

“So, I began to give Boots 1 capsule in the morning & evening mixed in low carb canned food & spinach. The Formula & diet helped him to maintain healthy blood sugar levels in a short period of time.

”The formula worked really fast. I can't express my gratitude enough for helping Bootsy in his dire need. I also want to mention that his nose is cold & wet & his fur is shiny. May God Bless you for all you do to help the animals maintain their health.”
Anna Marie Schwager in Florida for “Boots”
“We started Cletus on the new diet and PetRemedy as soon as it arrived in the mail.

”Now his hair is coming back in. His activity level is that of any normal cat. He is staying out at night again. He is attacking us from behind the couches.

”So after just three days on the diet, and we stick to it religiously, he was doing so much better. We tell everyone about it and they all can't believe it. We can't believe it.

”So we are glad we found your site and we appreciate your hard work and the fact that you put out the product. Thanks again.”
Jeremy Huffman in Kentucky for “Cletus”
“This is Cuddles. He is six years old. When I turned to the internet, I found his guardian angel there. It was the PetRemedy product.

”Today Cuddles runs and plays like a kitten again. I wish that I could tell everyone about this wonderful breakthrough. Maybe this is a start.”
Cynthia Rocco in Pennsylvania for “Cuddles”
“Here is a picture of "Felix" who is approximately 12 years old.

”I want to thank you for your product. I originally ordered your product with a little reservation but a lot of hope. It worked!

“The proof is it is 11 weeks later and he is still kicking.”
Ann and Michael Mathis in Maryland for “Felix”
Upon reading the info about your product, I decided I'd give it a try!

It WORKED!!!!!!! And is still working after 4-5 months! This Glucose Support formula is a blessing.

Thanks Bob, for all your help and time spent speaking to me and for your real concern for my Grey Boy the Cat!
Rob Schloss in New York for “Grey Boy”
The PetRemedy Glucose Support formula and the diet that I have put my cat on per your suggestions has done wonders.

I have a whole new cat, just like when he was a young frisky thing.

I can not thank you enough. My cat is only 7 years old and now he has more years ahead of him.
Sandra Bell in California for “Grizzly”
What more can I say, this cat is born again, like there was never anything wrong with him. 

Again thank you, and Max thanks you. This is Max, napping after being busy, and we are very pleased with the PetRemedy, and so is Max. 

Once again, we thank you.
Mike Ditonno in Pennsylvania for “Max”
“Prior to your product and diet, his hair was dull, felt dry and had a lot of dandruff. When I brushed him, I had a ball of hair about the size of an orange when I cleaned the brush. This was every other day!

“Now he hardly sheds at all, just a small amount on his comb. Now, his coat is silky, shiny (sounds like a shampoo commercial!) and he has almost no dandruff. He also plays with the brush when I brush him. In fact, he thinks he is a kitten again, playing with toys and pouncing on newspapers when I am trying to read them. 

“I do believe in your PetRemedy and diet changes. Thank you so much for your continued support and interest.”
Dinah Breezley in Louisiana for “Merlin”
“Mimi is one of three of our animals--she has improved dramatically, and we are continuously monitoring her progress.   
“Most recently her playfulness has noticeably increased, Mimi has always worn a bell around her neck since she was a kitten. Lately, when she darts from one room to the next her bell sounds off and it appears as though a bunny is running around in the house.  This is music to our ears. Mimi loves the water and she enjoys lounging around the pool as you can see. 
“We can't thank PetRemedy enough. We have our Mimi back.”
Janice Stadelmyer in Pennsylvania for “Mimi”
“Well it happened even sooner than expected. Murray is now officially back to normal as of yesterday evening.

“We spoke to our vet about trials on other animals in our practice and she said she would be very interested as she has only ever known one other cat she was treating to get back to normal.

“We are copying your info to the Vet so that she can pick it up.”
Jeff & Debi Pacey in Essex, England for “Mr. Kitty”
“Here is a picture of our cat Nicky. He is more active now and maintains his healthy blood sugar levels, since we have been following your dietary recommendations and giving him the Glucose Support Formula.

“Thanks for your help.”
Robert Pekala in Delaware for “Nicky”
“Thanks for giving me a little more quality time with my baby! Nicole has been doing great for a number of weeks now. She is acting like she is 10 years old, not 15.

“Thanks again for helping us have a bit more quality time together. Without your product she would surely have expired by now.

”I have and will continue to recommend your products, good stuff to be sure.”
Richard Petzold in Washington for “Nicole”
“I found the information on PetRemedy on the web and gave it a try. The results were amazing! After two weeks of the PetRemedy and a diet of canned cat food, he is maintaining healthy blood sugar levels!!

“Two more weeks have gone by. Peeve is feeling great and we can travel guilt free knowing that one PetRemedy capsule, twice a day, is all that is required to keep him happy and healthy.”
Carole and James Crawford for “Peeve”
“I'm so excited about Pepper's progress, that I've been sharing the good news about the PetRemedy Glucose nutrients with all of my cat-loving friends!!

“Here's a picture of Pepper with me holding her... you can see that she's a big girl!!! I'm hoping that she'll trim down to her svelte 14 pounds. 

“She loves the new and improved diet.”
Sue Vernoski in New Jersey for “Pepper”
“Just a brief update on Rascal. He is eating well. I feed him small meals roughly 4 times a day. His water intake seems normal. He is holding at 14 lbs.

”Now I have all "my boys" on the wet food plus ground broccoli plus some ground-up dry food and I add one capsule of your PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula twice a day. I also give him small amounts of the meat or chicken we have for dinner. He is a great beggar!

“His activity level is normal, mousing outside and watching the birds. Thanks!”
Deborah Hollingsworth in Pennsylvania for “Rascal”
“About a month ago you helped save my cat's life and my sanity. I was so panicked about Sebastian.

“Today he is a new cat. His eyes are wide open, he steps livelier than he ever has before, and he is very playful.

“This is a testament to all of you there, that whatever it is you are doing, it must be an outrageous success and I cannot be more grateful. Thank you again and again!”
Aline Bowles in Virginia for “Sebastian”
”Sooty took to the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula immediately with no fuss, the twice daily dose of PetRemedy is easily mixed with his new "meat based" diet and there have been no adverse effects whatsoever. We also stopped using the dry food as it contained high levels of carbohydrates. After 10 weeks the net result is a cat who is livelier, healthier and more beautiful than we can ever remember.

”I am convinced that the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula has given him a quality of life that would never have been possible for him or us using conventional treatments.

”This skeptical Englishman is totally convinced that PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula really works!”
William Martin in Hampshire, England for “Sooty”
“Thanks so very much for your Glucose Support for Spencer. 

“Since using your vitamins, he has more energy and is back to normal. Also his coat is shiny and much softer. His coat is normally sort of dull anyway, but now it is a bit shiny and so very soft - like he got a deep conditioning. 

“I love him dearly and you have given him back to me.”
Irene Warmerdam in California for “Spencer”
“Since adding the PetRemedy to Tabby's diet we have seen a dramatic change. She had previously dropped to 4 pounds or less. She had a hollow look to her eyes and was little more than skin and bones.

“In less than three months with the PetRemedy she has gained weight (though not to the ‘Fatty Tabby’ she had been a year ago) and she has become like a new cat. There is a lightness to her step and she purrs almost constantly. By switching from hard food, which is very high in carbohydrates, to a hamburger and chopped vegetable (broccoli) diet she is also eating more naturally.

“We consider the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula to be a miracle product.”
Philip Kachelmyer in Minnesota for “Tabitha”
“We are really pleased with his progress and feel that the Glucose Support Formula has been a Godsend! He's such a little trooper.

“Thanks so much for making this available for those of us for whom our cats are our family!”
Wayne Dietterick in New Jersey for “Theo”
“Tiger is doing well. He is losing excess pounds at a steady, slow rate (which is great!). He has much more energy and is very happy and alert. In short, this "formula" is just what the doctor ordered.

“He is, of course, 18 1/2 years old, so his arthritis was exacerbated by his obesity. I massage his limbs twice daily, stretch his legs, and encourage him to walk. We just use your PetRemedy nutrients. Thanks for your continued interest!”
Laurie Roeder in California for “Tiger”
“Let me begin by saying that Tommy has become a
completely different cat since he's been on his diet.

“It's been about 3-1/2 months since I started him on the Glucose Support Formula, vitamin C and broccoli with low carb canned food. He lost weight quickly and had a patch of fat hanging down from his belly for a while. Today it is gone.

“He always maintains healthy blood sugar levels. He has absolutely no dandruff now, and his fur has not returned to the past oily-like texture.

“This cat has become the man of the house again. He's a good cat and is very loved by us all. You are doing a very good deed for pet owners and I commend you. Thanks for everything.”
Robert Aswell in California for “Tommy”

Frequently Asked Questions

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Are there any risks with giving PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula to my pet?
As with any nutritional product, it is important to follow the instructions that are provided to you when you order the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula. If you have any questions about interactions with any other drugs, vitamins, or supplements you may be giving your cat, please consult with your veterinarian.
How often do I give my pet the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula?
The PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula is a powder that comes in capsules. Just twist open the capsule and mix the powder thoroughly into the food. Mix one capsule with the morning food and one capsule with the evening food.
What is the best way for me to give PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula to my pet?
Mix it up with any wet food you feed your cat. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
The Foodform® nutrients enter the body as food, are recognized by the body as food and are utilized by the body in the same way that it utilizes food. That is the reason why clinical studies have concluded that Foodform® nutrients are better absorbed, better utilized and retained by the body than isolated USP vitamins.†
How long should I give my cat the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula?
The PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula supplies vital nutrients you pet is lacking. Commercial cat food of today does not supply all the needed nutrients. Farmlands, having lost vital minerals through commercial farming methods, produce good looking but nutritionally deficient products that lack essential nutrients in the quantities needed for good health. You will need to maintain your pet’s health. This is why it is essential to continue to give your cat the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula, so that they continue to get the nutrients they need.
What am I supposed to feed my pet?
Please refer to our Cat Food Guidelines page.
How long will it take for the PetRemedy Glucose Support Formula to reach me?
Your bottle of PetRemedy™ Glucose Support Formula is shipped out the next business day after you order it. It is sent by First Class Mail and normally takes from three to five business days to arrive within the Continental United States. International orders vary from 1-3 weeks depending on customs.
Rush shipments can be arranged by calling our corporate offices in Glendale, California at (888) 580-9390 between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm PST, Monday through Friday.
†These studies may not conform to peer review standards. Therefore, the results are not conclusive.

Contact Us

Customer Service: (888) 580-9390
Corporate: (818) 241-9080
Fax: (818) 241-9399

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